
It's amazing the clarity that comes with psychotic jealousy.

my best friend's wedding

La vi en pantalla grande en mi infancia, 
la escena del anillo a continuación me catapultó a la adolescencia.
Si yo fuera película..

George: Listen, Jules. Why don't we stop and have a drink? You can take a later flight.
Julianne: No, no, no, no. I'm a busy girl. I've got exactly four days to break up a wedding, steal the bride's fella and I haven't one clue how to do it. He was in love with me everyday for nine goddamn years. Me! 

Julianne: This is my one chance at happiness. I HAVE to be ruthless. 

George: Do you really love him? or is it just about winning?

George: Michael's chasing Kimmy?
Julianne: Yes!
George: You're chasing Michael?
Julianne: Yes!
George: Who's chasing you? Nobody! Get it? There's your answer. *

Kimmy: He's got you on a pedestal and me in his arms. ** 

* ouch
** ouch

1 comentario:

The Exploding Girl dijo...

No soy una tipa que lloriquee con películas o libros*, pero la escena post boda pre viaje luna de miel, cuando lo busca entre la multitud para despedirse y yada yada yada?
Me angustia.

* damn you Mi planta naranja lima